Dr Vanessa Platt
Dr.Platt qualified at Kings College in London in 2002 and worked in private practices in Cambridgeshire and Norfolk, practicing private and National Health Service dentistry before immigrating to Australia in 2005. She spent six years at a southern metropolitan dental practice was a clinical lecturer at the Adelaide University Dental Hospital from 2008–2011 before becoming a Holistic Dentist. As an undergraduate, Dr Platt conducted research in to amalgam toxicity for her dissertation and since then has had an active passion for holistic dentistry.
Dr Platt is a holistic dentist she has completed her SMART accreditation through the IAOMT (The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology) Dr.Platt has a special interest in Orthodontics and is an accredited Invisalign provider .Dr.Platt is currently studying a M.A in Orthodontics. Her focus is on making a positive contribution to the oral health of patients and caring for patients to help them achieve their overall health goals treating both children and adults .
In her spare time she enjoys hot yoga and cycling