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Maximise your 2025 dental extras!

Now many health funds have reset, book your check-up and get your oral health off to a great start. Click here for more info.

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Make the most of your dental extras

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Don’t miss out on dental benefits for you and your family
Take advantage of your free check-up and clean
Here’s how to maximise your dental extras

Remember those dental extras covered by your health insurance policy? Well, we’re here to remind you that they expire on 31st December!

While many of us forget all about our dental benefits, taking advantage of any included extras before your fund resets can help you and your family get more from your health insurance - so you can keep on smiling!

From a routine check-up and clean appointment for the kids to booking a consultation for Invisalign® teeth straightening treatment, you may be covered for more than you think! We’re here to help you make the most of your dental benefits, so read on to discover how to maximise your extras and keep your family’s oral health in the best condition.

Don’t miss out on dental benefits for you and your family

Depending on the nature of your policy and the level of cover, you may be covered for different types of dental benefits. These services can range from general dental to major treatments, as well as rebates for certain cosmetic dental procedures such as teeth whitening.

Some routine dental services - such as a twice-yearly dental check-up and clean - may even be covered with no gap, which means you wouldn’t have to pay anything for this service.

Take advantage of your free check-up and clean

As mentioned above, some health insurance policies will include up to two check-up and clean appointments per year for each person covered by the policy. This would mean you could get the whole family booked in for their routine check-up without needing to pay a cent!

Regular check-up and clean appointments are an important part of maintaining good oral health and avoiding minor issues from becoming more complex dental problems (which will likely be more difficult and costly to treat).

If your policy includes a check-up and clean, be sure to book in before your policy resets on January 1st.

Here’s how to maximise your dental extras

Now you know your Defence Health policy will roll over on January 1st, how do you go about taking advantage of any available dental benefits so you can make the most of your included extras?

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Check your policy

The first step in getting the most out of your dental extras is to find out exactly what you and your family are covered for.

Different policies will cover different dental services, ranging from general dental treatments to major dental services. In some cases, you might even be covered for popular cosmetic procedures such as Invisalign®.

You and your family could be covered for dental treatments you weren’t even aware of, so be sure to check your health fund for full details of your benefits here.

2. Book your appointment!

Once you know what dental benefits you’re covered for, it’s time to make an appointment with your local National Dental Care or DB Dental practice. You’ll need to do this before January 1st, which is when your health fund policy and any included extras will reset.

By checking your dental benefits and making an appointment before January 1st, you can take full advantage of your dental extras - which is definitely a reason to smile!