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HomeChild Dental Benefits Schedule

Child Dental Benefits Scheme

As of January 1st 2014, Medicare will provide financial support for basic dental services for children aged 0–17. The Schedule provides eligible children with up to $1,095 in benefits capped over two consecutive calendar years.

Geelong Smile Studio’s children’s facility - the Geelong Children’s Dental Centre will be bulk-billing all services provided under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule.

Eligibility basics

- Children aged between 0 –17 years on any one day of the calendar year.

- Receive, or their family, guardian or carer receives, certain government benefits such as Family Tax Benefit Part A for at any one day of the calendar year.

- Are eligible for Medicare.

To check your child’s eligibility for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule telephone the Medicare General Enquiries on 13 20 11.

You can find more information on Medicare's website.

Children's Dentistry

We believe preventing problems is the best way to treat children.

Our preventive program provides oral hygiene instruction and coaching, as well as fissure sealants and fluoride treatments where necessary. Our dentists work with dental therapists to provide the very best in dental care for your children. Find out more on our Kids Dental page.

Kids Dental