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Invisalign® the clear alternative to braces


The clear alternative to metal braces.


The clear alternative to metal braces.

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What is Invisalign®?
Invisalign in 3 simple steps
How much does Invisalign® cost?
The benefits of Invisalign®

At National Dental Care Erina, our experienced team of dental professionals is committed to helping you achieve a straight and healthy smile. We offer a non-invasive solution with Invisalign to help you achieve your smile goals.

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign has revolutionised the field of orthodontics, allowing you to achieve your dream smile without the need for traditional braces. If you're looking for a more comfortable and flexible alternative to metal braces, Invisalign is a clear choice for your oral health.

Invisalign treatment involves a series of custom-made clear aligners that gently shift your teeth into their desired position. These aligners are created using advanced 3D computer imaging, which allows your dentist to plan the exact movement of your teeth for the best results.

Male putting in Invisalign aligner

Male putting in Invisalign aligner

Every few weeks, your dentist will give you a new set of aligners based on the movement of your teeth - and in this way, you’ll keep making progress towards your ideal smile!

Invisalign in 3 simple steps

Step 1: Invisalign Consultation

Before our experienced dentists can help you achieve your ideal smile with Invisalign treatment, they’ll need to provide you with an initial consultation.

The aim of this consultation is to understand your goals and carefully observe how you smile, speak, and bite to assess if Invisalign is the right fit for you. This is a great opportunity for you to discuss your goals and any specific requirements.

Working together, they'll create a personalised treatment plan that ensures you receive the best possible results.

Step 2: 3D Scanning & Imaging

Once we’ve confirmed that Invisalign treatment is right for you, your dentist will take detailed 3D scans of your teeth. These scans are used to design and create custom aligners, which will be used to achieve your beautifully straight smile.

Using our state-of-the-art technology, we’ll show you a preview of your predicted results, so can see how Invisalign can transform your smile, as well as suggest any changes.

Dentist walking through iTero scanning technology

Dentist walking through iTero scanning technology

At National Dental Care Erina, we’re proud to provide our patients with iTero scanning technology. iTero replaces the traditional (and messy!) method of taking impressions with a quick, comfortable, and precise digital scanning process, the Itero scanner captures detailed 3D images of your teeth, guaranteeing a perfect fit for your Invisalign aligners.

Step 3: Wearing Your Aligners

Once your personalised aligners from Invisalign are ready, your treatment can begin!

You’ll receive your first set of aligners and we’ll arrange frequent check-ups every 6-8 weeks to observe your progress and make adjustments as needed.

The length of treatment will vary for each person, but typically takes around 12-18 months.

How much does Invisalign® cost?

The cost of Invisalign depends on a number of factors, including things like how many aligners you need, how complex the changes are, and how many appointments and adjustments you need with your dentist. Some of your Invisalign costs may also be covered by dental insurance, so be sure to check with your provider.

Patient talking with dentist about Invisalign treatment

Patient talking with dentist about Invisalign treatment

The cost of dental care shouldn’t be a barrier to getting the treatment you need. With our exclusive payment plan, SmileFund, you can spread the cost of your care over time, interest-free.

The benefits of Invisalign®

  1. Aesthetics: The biggest advantage of Invisalign is its virtually invisible appearance. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are discreet and barely noticeable, allowing you to maintain your confidence and smile throughout the treatment process.
  2. Comfort: Invisalign aligners are made of smooth plastic, eliminating the discomfort often associated with metal brackets and wires. They are custom-designed to fit snugly over your teeth, providing a comfortable experience.
  3. Removable: Unlike braces, Invisalign aligners are removable. This means you can take them out when eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing, giving you more flexibility and allowing you to maintain good oral hygiene throughout your treatment.
  4. Convenience: With Invisalign, you’ll spend less time at the dentist compared to traditional braces. Appointments for adjustments are typically every 4-6 weeks, giving you more time to enjoy your everyday life.

Discover if Invisalign is the right choice for you and begin your journey towards your ideal smile.

Frequently asked questions

The duration of Invisalign treatment varies depending on the complexity of your case. On average, treatment lasts between 12-18 months.

During your initial consultation at our clinic in Erina, your dentist will provide a more accurate estimate based on your situation.

Both Invisalign and braces have the same goal - to straighten and align your teeth for better oral health and a more confident smile. However, they achieve this in different ways.

With braces, your orthodontist or dentist will attach semi-permanent brackets to each tooth, connected by a wire that works to slowly move your teeth into place. You’ll wear these braces until treatment is complete, which is usually around 12-24 months. These braces are obvious whenever you open your mouth to eat or speak.

With Invisalign, you’ll wear a series of clear trays custom-made for your mouth that will slowly move your teeth into place. You can take the trays out when you eat and drink, or for special occasions. It takes about the same amount of time as braces, but Invisalign isn’t immediately obvious when you open your mouth - in fact, someone would have to be quite close to see the tray.

The right option for you will depend on your specific needs and circumstances. Invisalign is typically more expensive, but the extra cost may be worth it if you’d prefer a more discreet treatment.

Just wearing your Invisalign aligners overnight is not recommended. For the best results, you’ll need to keep your aligners in for 22 hours every day.

At National Dental Care Erina, your treatment plan is based on the recommended wear schedule of 22 hours per day and each set of aligners is programmed to achieve specific tooth movements.

These are the recommended guidelines you should follow when using Invisalign:

  1. Wear your Invisalign aligners at least 22 hours a day
  2. Brush your teeth before replacing your aligners to prevent a buildup of bacteria
  3. Clean your aligners regularly
  4. Change your Invisalign trays as directed by your dentist
  5. Visit National Dental Care Erina every 4-6 weeks
  6. Develop a post-treatment plan with your dentist for the best results

We all know the value of a beautiful smile. If you're looking for a modern and convenient way to achieve straighter teeth, Invisalign may be the perfect solution for you.

Our talented team is dedicated to providing exceptional orthodontic care using the latest advancements in dental technology.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a straighter smile.