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HomeDoes Invisalign® Widen Your Jaw?

Does Invisalign® Widen Your Jaw?

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Does Invisalign® widen your jaw?
Invisalign® treatment to correct crooked teeth
What causes a smile to become narrower?
Who can have Invisalign® treatment?
How much does Invisalign® cost?

You may know that Invisalign® teeth-straightening can work wonders on your teeth. But can this treatment widen your jaw? Read on to discover how Invisalign can make your smile appear wider as well as straighter.

Does Invisalign® widen your jaw?

Invisalign® is a popular and highly effective way of straightening teeth, using almost-invisible clear aligners that are custom-made to fit your teeth. Without the visual impact or discomfort of traditional metal braces, Invisalign® is a fantastic and convenient option for correcting a crooked smile.

While Invisalign® doesn’t actually affect the shape or structure of your jawbone, it gradually changes the position of your teeth in order to correct issues such as crowding and crossbite. As a result, it causes your smile to appear wider as your teeth become more visible on either side of your mouth. This can create the visually-appealing effect of a broader jawline, even when you’re not smiling.

However, it’s important to be aware that Invisalign® isn’t just used for aesthetic reasons - it can also help to address certain dental issues associated with crooked teeth.

Invisalign® treatment to correct crooked teeth

Having your teeth straightened with Invisalign® isn’t just about creating a better smile or a wider-looking jaw. If you have crooked teeth, you are likely to also have some jaw alignment issues which can cause additional problems.

Dental issues caused by having a misaligned jaw include:

  • Development of pain in your jaw area
  • Uneven wearing of teeth
  • Increased risk of gum infection due to food becoming trapped
  • Higher chance of developing cavities and tooth decay, as crooked teeth are harder to clean

Whether you have a crossbite (your jaw closes at an angle), an underbite (your bottom jaw projects past your top jaw) or an overbite (the top jaw projects over your bottom jaw), you are likely to experience dental problems as a result.

As Invisalign® teeth-straightening is designed to correct crooked teeth, it can help to prevent these problems from arising.

What causes a smile to become narrower?

There are a number of factors which can cause our smile to appear narrower. These include:

  • Ageing - As you age, your teeth slowly move inwards, gradually narrowing your smile and the appearance of your jaw width. This can cause issues with the jawbone and gum line.
  • Braces - If you had braces when you were younger and have stopped wearing your retainer, your teeth are likely to slowly move back to their original positions, which can create the effect of a narrower smile and jaw.
  • Missing teeth - If you lost a tooth some time ago and didn’t have it replaced with an implant or dental bridge, the teeth on either side of the space will move inwards, causing adjoining teeth to do the same and therefore narrowing your smile.

If you want to have the tooth replaced, you may need to have your teeth straightened first to allow an implant to be positioned correctly.

Who can have Invisalign® treatment?

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for Invisalign®. Your National Dental Care dentist will be able to assess your teeth and establish whether Invisalign® is the best treatment option for you.

For example, people with particularly crooked teeth may need to wear other types of braces first to straighten their teeth prior to having Invisalign®, while any periodontal issues will need to be addressed before you begin treatment.

How much does Invisalign® cost?

Your dentist will be able to advise you on the cost of Invisalign®, as well as what’s involved in your treatment.

To make an appointment and discuss Invisalign® with your National Dental Care dentist,